Tag Archives: reclaimed wood

First day at the workshop.

2 Apr

Joinery Test

31 Mar

I haven’t made any joints in a while, and I also haven’t seriously used my new tools, so I made these as practice. All the joints I’m using are simple variations of the lap joint and I’m using them to locate all the pieces. The simplest way would be to just glue everything together, as some have suggested. The next easiest way would be to drill holes and bolt the pieces together, as it was drawn in the initial concept. Personally I feel that joining the wood in this way is the most honest way to build this particular table, considering the history of the wood.

The first one below is shouldered for the connection between the rail and the table top piece, and the next joint below is for the rail and all the middle pieces of the table top.

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Harvest Table

30 Mar

I’ve been working somewhat steadily away at the harvest table, which is proving to be much tougher than expected, even by my standards and I’m used to pain and difficulty for every project.  The wood for this table is, as I said before, from the bottom of Lake Ontario, from what used to be Toronto’s docks. When the city expanded, the backfill from the construction was pushed into the lake, effectively burying the timbers that made up the old docks. They were rediscovered in the late 90’s during the condo construction along the Lakeshore. It was at that time that Lambos (don’t know if he has a last name), the person whom I bought the wood from, came into possession of said timbers.

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