Tag Archives: Humanitarian

SHIFT – A work in progress.

23 Dec

I’m working on a draft of an article for Shift, from the OCAD Student Press

This is going to be an epic deja vu for my thesis, and redemption. I finally get a chance to put together a cogent interpretation of all the research and thinking that went into my thesis project. The draft is below, and it’s still very early alpha stage.


Man’s principle gift, and the only thing that distinguishes it from
other animals, is his ability to tell stories. The first words created
the world. Ancient stories gave meaning to the stars.

The following is a work of fiction. Any similarity to any person, or to any actual events, or institutions is intentional and
anything but coincidential.

In 1937 the future of airships came crashing to the ground in a fiery, smoking ruin, amid the famous cries of “oh, the humanity!”.

Since the Hindeburgh crash in Lakehurst Naval Station, New Jersey, only the ghosts of these once important vehicles are seen: floating vestiges of the past above the Super Bowl, or largely ignored, hawking electronics above Queens and Manhattan. A few are still ferrying tourists on harbour tours and over vineyards for wine tastings, but they are largely seen as curiousities, if seen at all. In most of my conversations with people with airships, the first reaction is perplexity, then incredulity.

But everyone I have met agrees with me eventually, that airships are needed in this world again.

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UPLIFT: The Mandate

2 Apr


UPLIFT Mandate:

…UPLIFT, as a not for profit transport corporation, is dedicated to serving the needs of the developing world and humantarian relief organizations.

The services provided by UPLIFT should:

i. endeavour to remain neutral and non-partisan.  This includes the refusal to transport materials that may directly harm individuals or groups of individuals.

ii. avoid any situations where individuals or groups can be harmed or put at risk through refusal of service by UPLIFT.

iii. in the long term, improve the life quality of individuals and groups living in developing areas, and areas at risk of emergency and disaster.

iv. Be suited to the specific needs and requirements of these regions.

v. be made available to regions in need by the most appropriate and efficient means and as resources become available for the purpose and,

vi. actively promote peace and good governance.

Project UpLift: Airships for Humanity

29 Jan

proposed next generation airship


– A UN sponsored airship program for flexible, efficient delivery of aid material and personnel.

– An advanced cargo airship with static lift control, zero emissions, capable of vertical take off and landing.

– Airship bases for staging materials, and to spur development by providing employment, training and trade.

– A solar – hydrogen economy for oil independence.


This is an update of my thesis project, you can see the previous presentation here for background.  Originally focused on the commercial passenger sector, I’ve now taken on the challenge of providing efficient and effective transportation in unstable regions.  I don’t see the airship as a standalone cure, but rather as an enabler for the various solutions that are needed in war, famine, natural disasters, etc. This blog will be mainly an effort to document my process more effectively, everything you see will consist mostly of sketches and maquettes and diagrams.  I appreciate all your comments.

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